Tuesday, May 10, 2016

DIY eye cream

Eye creams can be really expensive; however you can simply make them at home and get very good results if you include them consistently in your daily skin care routine.

Here is a simple way to diy your very own eye cream using only 4 ingredients: shea butter, avocado oil, vitamin e oil and a moisturizer.

Shea butter aids the skin’s natural collagen production and oleic, stearic, palmitic and lionleinc acids that protect and nourish the skin to prevent drying. It also softens and strengthens the skin and reduces wrinkles.

Avocado oil treats age spots and is deeply absorbed by the skin. Avocado oil contains oleic acid which is a monounsaturated fatty acid that maintains moisture in the epidermal layer of your skin, helping to make it soft and hydrated. It is also a great source of antioxidant carotenoids which provide significant protection for your skin from the environmental damage that leads to fine lines and wrinkles. On addition it is rich in vitamin c that is needed for the creation of elastin and collagen which bind your skin cells together and maintain their firmness and structure.

Vitamin e oil assists in preventing free radical damage from oxidizing fats in your skin cells that lead to aging skin.

And finally of course moisturizer helps you have softer, more elastic skin and will keep your skin hydrated.  


·         1 tbsp of shea butter

·         ¼ tsp of avocado oil

·         ¼  tsp of vitamin e oil

·        1 tbsp of moisturizer  (I am using ORIGINS GinZing energy-boosting moisturizer which I love! Its main active ingredient is coffee. The moisturizer is very lightweight, oil-free; it instantly hydrates and revs up radiance. It is also suitable for dry, rough skin normal and oily skin).   


-          On low heat melt the shea butter in a small saucepot then leave it aside to cool down.
-          Add the avocado oil and the vitamin e oil to a small container then pour the shea butter.
-          Add your moisturizer and mix it all together until it hardens.
-          Wait 10 minutes and your eye cream is ready to use!

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